Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Power 4 Health and Slimming Program

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How to become a Distributor of Edmark Products

The Edmark Double Bonus Marketing Plan consists of both the Point Sharing System and the Block System. Thus, giving maximum benefits and returns.

There are 9 great bonuses in the marketing plan:

1. Retail Profit 15-25%
2. Performance Bonus (Accumulative) 20%
3. Manager Bonus 14%
4. Achievement Bonus 3%
5. Leadership Bonus 25% (Income potential from the 2nd level downwards is unlimited)
6. Traveling Fund 2%7. Year-End Bonus 2%
8. Car Fund 3%
9. House Fund 2%

All in all, the total pay out is 71%. This is one of the highest pay-outs in the industry today. In addition, there is a special free products redemption voucher. The qualifiers get free company products equivalent to the value of 10% of the sales volume.

This is the path to financial freedom. Where your yearly income can become your monthly income.

Reality Check

Key Questions?

1. Can I make good money?
2. Can I do so quickly?
3. Can I do so easily?
4. Can I use a proven system?
5. Can I find everyday people doing it?


It has been proven that our system really works as manifested in our countless achievers (LINK TO SUCCESS STORIES) who are now enjoying unparalleled income, travel perks, luxurious cars and houses of their own. So what are you waiting for? The choice is in your hands.

How to become a Distributor of Edmark Products

  1. Go to the nearest edmark franchise. Francise List
  2. Sign up a form. In the REFERED BY: section; write: Surname: Rempillo, Given Name: Timothy, M.I.: R., Position: Distributor, EDA No. F2003711.
  3. Submit the form with the registration fee off the desired registration, P400, 700, 3500, note: sponsor incentive already deducted.
  4. You will recieved a product pack and Sales Kit, Id.
  5. Then you can start your business.
  6. Attend the following seminar, MDR, NDT, HLS, GSS

Testimonials Red Yeast Coffee

Good news! Now, you can lower your blood cholesterol the natural way! Introducing ... Edmark's Red Yeast Coffee

Red Yeast Coffee is made from the organic blend of imported premium coffee beans and red yeast rice.

Red yeast rice is one of the most promising natural treatments for lowering blood cholesterol. It is produced by fermenting the red yeast "Monascus purpureus" on rice.

This careful fermentation process yields specific amount of statins, the compounds responsible for reducing cholesterol levels.

It contains a variety of ingredients, such as fiber, rice starch, sterols and fatty acids, which help reduce total cholesterol levels, lower levels of bad cholesterols, increase levelsof good cholesterol, and lower levels of unhealthy fats called triglycerides.

It contains HMG-CoA reductase that inhibits the liver's production of cholesterol. By lowering cholesterol concentrations, red yeast rice can help prevent heart disease and some of its complications.

In additions, Mevinolin, an active ingredient in red yeast rice, has also benn proven to offer antioxidant properties.

The best news is that all the helath benefits of red yeast rice are in the Edmark's Red Yeast Coffee!

Edmark's Red Yeast Coffee is a sure, safe and natural way to optimal health!

Benefits of Red Yeast Coffee:

Red Yeast Coffee can reduce levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, while raising the levels of good cholesterol.

Red Yeast Coffee promotes health of the cardiovascular system, offers nutritional support to the circulatory system, and enhances digestion.

Red Yeast Coffee soothes abdominal pain and invigorates the function of the spleen.

Red Yeast Coffee revitalizes and aids in the body's over all rejuvenation as it offers antioxidant and anti-aging properties.

Healthy coffee has never beem tasted this better!

Deep, full-bodied with a complex flavor that is bold and unanticipated. This coffee's intensity has a crisp finish that lingers in your taste buds. You can't help but just get another cup of Red Yeast Coffee.

Red Yeast Coffee is another outstanding product from EDMARK!

Mark, 30
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Having insomnia, I used to have difficulty in sleeping sound. My condition affected my work and health adversely. When Mr. Roseller Pabelonia introduced some Edmark products to me, I decided to take Red Yeast Coffee twice a day: one cup in the morning and one cup at night. After a week of taking Red Yeast Coffee, I felt stronger and more refreshed everyday. My health was given an unexpected boost and I am very happy about it. I also joined Edmark’s Speakers Training Program in Abu Dhabi and I learned more about the product offerings. I am now confident that with my great health and knowledge about Edmark, I can easily introduce more people to their great benefits. Thanks to Mr. Roseller Pabelonia and to Edmark International for making me part of this successful business and be one of its successful health benefactors.
- Mark S. Siquinia

Contact Person:
E.D.A. No: F2003711
Name: Timothy R. Rempillo
Cell #: 09092978278

Testimonials Ginseng Coffee

Ginseng has been used for thousands of years to improve the overall health of human being. Ancient Chinese herbal traditions prescribe that Ginseng is effective for enlightening the mind and increasing wisdom. Ginseng can likewise promote vitality and good health by overcoming general fatigue and increasing strength. Remarkably, it is also an aphrodisiac for the treatment of impotence.

Modern scientific research revealed that the active ingredient of Ginseng called Ginsenoside has the power to:

· Sharpen the Mind and Memory
· Accelerate visual and auditory responses
· Increase concentration
· Lower and remove bad cholesterol
· Lower blood pressure
· Maximize oxygen intake
· Increase aerobic activity
· Lower heart rate during exercise
· Increase Anti-oxidants in the body
· Prevent Cancer

Coffee, ginseng extract, sucrose, non-dairy creamer and tricalcium phosphate.

Irene, 42
Life Guard
Abu Dhabi, UAE
My poor eyesight used to be an obstacle for me to read well. I also used to experience headaches especially during summertime when the heat is extreme. When the Edmark products were introduced to me, I immediately got to like their Ginseng Coffee. I drink Ginseng Coffee three times a day and after a month, I took notice of its good effects. My eyesight improved much that I can now read without glasses. I found it a truly amazing experience! I give my thanks to God for making me a part of Edmark not only as a business partner but also because of the health benefits. Also, thanks to my up line and to Edmark International for introducing their great products to UAE.

- Irene P. Fuertes

Contact Person:
E.D.A. No: F2003711
Name: Timothy R. Rempillo
Cell #: 09092978278

Testimonials CoCollagen

Defy skin aging with every sip of EDMARK‘s CoCollagen.

CoCollagen is a chocolate flavored beverage enriched with high grade quality marine collagen that nourishes your skin to make it firm and lift the signs of aging, thus reviving its naturally healthy and youthful glow.

NOURISH the skin with a rich supply of collagen.

LIFT the signs of aging by boosting collagen formation in the epidermis of the skin.

REVIVE the skin by showing its naturally healthy glow.

Characteristics of Edmark's CoCollagen

Made of enzymatically hydrolyzed fish collagen. Derived from marine sources like salmon.

Contains the macronutrient SUCROSE, a quick source of energy for the body. Perfect for active growing kids.

Contains MALT, a natural diuretic, which is easily broken down and absorbed by the body.

SMELLS GOOD, TASTES EVEN BETTER It’s chocolate flavor is not only aromatic and
soothing, it is also irresistibly delicious!

Benefits of CoCollagen

- Plumps up the skin and lips.
- Reduces depth of fine lines and wrinkles.
- Smoothens “crow’s feet” lines and reduces furrows.
- Reduces dark circles around eyes.
- Promotes skin elasticity.
- Firms and tightens sagging skin.
- Reduces visibility of stretch marks.
- Revitalizes appearance.
- Helps achieve a glowing radiant complexion.
- Rejuvenates mature skin.
- Tones and moisturizes the skin.


Carol, 39
Malate, Manila
Before, my skin started to show some wrinkles and I also have sagging skin. When Edmark introduced one of the newest products COCOLLAGEN, which nourishes the skin and lift the signs of aging, I became interested so I tried drinking one sachet a day as my breakfast. Im so happy and glad because now I feel and look younger. My facial wrinkles lessened, my skin and breasts became firmer. My facial contour defined specially in the jaw line and cheeks. I also noticed that my thigh and buttocks lifted. You can see the effect of COCOLLAGEN even after a week, I really love it, it is very effective in delaying the signs of aging. Thanks to Edmark.

- Carol F. Cabana

Contact Person:
E.D.A. No: F2003711
Name: Timothy R. Rempillo
Cell #: 09092978278

Testimonials Bubble C


Felicidad, 41
Property Consultant
Cubao, Quezon City
Before, I always feel lazy, move slow and get sick easily. I tried different products that have Vitamin C to boost my immune system and to make me energized all the time. After taking many products, nothing made any difference until I tried Edmark’s newest product “Bubble C” a refreshing instant orange beverage that is loaded with natural Vitamin C and Calcium. I started taking Bubble C twice a day religiously, one sachet in the morning fifteen minutes before breakfast and one sachet before going to bed. Life is so good because Bubble C humbly gave the Vitamin C that my body needed. I am energized, my metabolism was also boosted, resulting to a flatter tummy and trimmed waistline. It seems that I never get tired and I am always full of ideas that I need in my Edmark business. My children call me now “Mama Kulit” because now I’m the one who initiate playing time with them and still manage to do house chores and meet with my business partners. They also love the taste of it.
I am really thankful to Edmark for introducing this healthy and bubbly drink!
- Felicidad Jabson

Contact Person:
E.D.A. No: F2003711
Name: Timothy R. Rempillo
Cell #: 09092978278

Testimonials Splina Liquid Chlorophyl


Abhaya, 35
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Before, I used to suffer from frequent colds and I would usually snore during sleep. Since having colds made me very uncomfortable, I decided to go to a doctor. He gave me antibiotics and other medication. Unfortunately, these medications did not help me get relief and I continued to suffer for a long time. A friend introduced me to the various Edmark products and I decided to try Splina Liquid Chlorophyll. I religiously took three tablespoons of Splina everyday to help boost my immune system. Finally, I found a lasting and effective product that would cure me of my condition. Now, I no longer experience my terrible colds. I am thankful to God for leading me to Mr. Dipak Kumar Shreshtha and by using him as a channel for Edmark to reach people like me. I can say that Edmark products really work wonders!
- Abhaya K. Shrestha

Leoniza, 31
Jumeira 3, Dubai
I started to suffer from ulcer when I was in fifth grade. After that, I was diagnosed with hyperacidity. My doctor advised me to avoid spicy, and salty foods. Drinking soda was also prohibited. I did not really follow my doctor’s advice until my condition worsened during college. Because of that, I needed to take five types of medicines daily. I also did not sleep well and felt dizzy most of the time. I was introduced to Edmark products through Mr. Alison Reyes. I liked the Edmark Ginseng Coffee and Splina Liquid Chlorophyll. I started making them part of my daily routine and I took Splina daily (one tablespoon of Splina mixed with water). After a month, I started noticing the results. I can say that my life became a lot easier and happier with my Edmark experience. Now, I can do whatever I want and eat the foods that I crave for. I do not have to worry with my every move because of Splina. My sincere thanks to Emerald Manager Mr. Alison Reyes and to our CEO Mr. Sam Low for introducing these products for better health.

- Leoniza B. Sevilla

Before taking Edmark products, I have always complained about high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high uric acid. I decided to take a month's course of Shake Off to start off my health routine. I made sure to take least a liter of Splina Liquid Chlorophyll daily as well as Ginseng and Red Yeast coffee five times a day. Exactly after two months of usage guided by Edmark recommendations, I underwent a blood analysis and the result was really surprisingly optimal. It was a big relief that I was cured using natural products instead of relying on chemically based medicines. For all those who suffer from different health problems, I highly recommend Edmark Center for advice and their health-boosting products. Surely, “EDMARK WILL NOT LET YOU DOWN.”

- Nabil A. Abu Zayyad

Contact Person:
E.D.A. No: F2003711
Name: Timothy R. Rempillo
Cell #: 09092978278